Therapeutic drug levels

These tests are usually performed to look for the presence and the amount of specific drugs in the blood. With most medications, you need a certain level of drug in the blood stream to obtain the desired effect. Some medications are toxic if the level rises too high and are ineffective if the levels are too low. Monitoring serum drug levels enables your health care provider to ensure that your drug levels are within an effective range.

Alternative Names

Flecainide - serum; Digoxin - serum; Ethosuximide - serum; Disopyramide - serum; Digitoxin - serum; Lidocaine - serum; Kanamycin - serum; Gentamicin - serum; Imipramine - serum; Lithium - serum; Amikacin - serum; Acetaminophen - serum; Aminophylline - serum; TDM; Desipramine - serum; Chloramphenicol - serum; Amitriptyline - serum; Carbamazepine - serum; Methotrexate - serum; Therapeutic drug monitoring; Theophylline - serum; Tobramycin - serum; Valproic acid - serum; Quinidine - serum; Serum drug levels; Salicylate - serum; Propranolol - serum; Phenytoin - serum; Phenobarbital - serum; Procainamide - serum; Primidone - serum; Nortriptyline - serum

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